CA: OC Babysitter Gets 700+ Years To Life In Prison For Molesting 16 Boys

Source: 11/17/23

COSTA MESA, CA — A 34-year-old child care service provider from Costa Mesa was sentenced Friday to 707 years and eight months to life in prison for molesting 16 boys and showing another victim child pornography.

Matthew Antonio Zakrzewski was convicted Oct. 3 of 34 felony sex charges related to 17 victims aged 2 to 14 in crimes that prosecutors said took place from 2014 to 2019, according to court records.

Jurors in the trial also heard evidence relating to two other boys, including one who was allegedly molested, but Zakrzewski was not charged with attacking those alleged victims.
Multiple parents told Orange County Superior Court Judge Kimberly Menninger how the defendant’s crimes affected their lives. One victim offered Zakrzewski forgiveness, while others called for the maximum punishment.

One grandmother of the two victims said, “a death sentence is too good for him… Please show no mercy on this animal.”

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Sounds like he got the max for all 17 victims. I’m perfectly okay with that, provided he is actually guilty of what he was accused of.

However, I remain concerned about the standard of evidence in such cases, which is practically nil. I don’t trust what is written in the article – too many examples of reporters exaggerating some things and ignoring others to make for a more shocking story – as an accurate portrayal of what the man actually did.

Considering the lifelong ramifications of sex crime convictions (exacerbated by the registry), I don’t think it’s too much to ask for more proof than mere accusations and conjecture. The matter as told in the article is nothing but, and I have a hard time believing the case in court had anything more.

707 years? No one can claim California’s soft on crime, but it’s not like they gave a homeless schizophrenic 150 years for showing cp to patrons on his laptop inside Best Buy. Thanks Floriduh. Those boys that Matthew molested were awfully young. He probably won’t survive prison long enough for inmates to figure out how to pronounce his last name.

700 years is excessive with no murder. There are most certainly long term, potentially life long implications for victims of child sexual assault (CSA), but they did live through the experience.

Our political system portrays being a victim of CSA as if it were death. That a survivor of CSA will never be a functional, productive member of society. Then it points to the 1-13 males and the 1-7 females that are survivors of CSA. Not satisfied with that, it suggests that a huge percentage of CSA go unreported, and that the numbers of CSA that occur are far higher.

So lets add this up? About of 10% of males, and around 15% of females, are so traumatized by their CSA, they cannot function? No wait, it far more than that? 20% of the males, 30% of the females? So, assuming a 50/50 mix of M/F… about 1-4 Americans are non-functional victims of CSA? REALLY, 1-4 American kids are victims of CSA?

I sort of have to agree with Dustin too. It’s all on video, so there’s no denying that he was up to something. He even made a game out of it by having boys sit nude on his naked body, and naming his thing ‘rocket ship.’ Pretty sick if you ask me. Some of those children were as young as two years old. Now you have to admit, that’s some hardcore sex offending.

Remember: This guy will score “lower” on the Static-99R, compared to a non-contact and non-violent offense, because the Static-99R gives higher “scores” to people who’ve never touched anyone. 🤡🤡🤡

How does this even make sense LOL??? 🤡🤡🤡

I only had to do half my sentence thanks to Good and Work Time credits, so if the same rules still apply, he could be out in just 350 years. 😬

We can all debate and discuss this sentence but let’s not forget… this sentence is according to law as it is written. Sit at home and type on your computer or phone or whatever but these comments change nothing.